at Farm & Market in Denvder, Colorado, US

· 産地レポート

アメリカ、コロラド州デンバーにあるFarm & Market🥦

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土や天候に依存しなくても農業ができることを証明するかのように、このデンバーの中心街でFarm to Tableを実現していました。
栽培現場を囲むガラスを通して苗から収穫までのライフサイクルを体験できます。 ぜひみなさんも採れたて野菜を召し上がってみてはいかが?😊
※基本的には衛生面上スタッフのみが植え付けから収穫までを行いますが、今回は特別に消毒をした上で入らせてくださりました。 丁寧にご対応いただきありがとうございました😊

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The incredible company 'Farm & Market' in Denver, Colorado, USA🥬 Although it has only been open for a year, it became a famous place. Because this hydroponic system doesn't use chemical fertilizers, uses 90% less water than regular earthen cultivation and is powered by 100% wind power. This farm is possible to make vegetables without depending on the soil or weather. So you can experience “the Farm to the Table” in downtown Denver. The first the seedlings are grown in some containers from seeds to nurseries👀 After that they are arranged vertically from top to bottom, so the seedlings were sandwiched between a combination of urethane and dense non-woven fabric. This system makes those seedlings to keep the water containing nutrients. You can experience the life cycle from seedling to harvest through this place. Why not try some freshly harvested vegetables? 😊
*Basically, for hygiene reasons, all you can enter this greenhouse is staff member.

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本日の農業 Today's agriculture
Farm & Market
2401 Larimer St, Denver, CO 80205, United States

#農業は美術になるのか #農業カメラマン #網野文絵 #アメリカ #デンバー #コロラド #農業写真 #agricuturalphotographer #fumieamino #denver #farmandmarket #colorado #hydroponic #americanfarmer